

Move, Remove, Repeat

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Islington.

  • anne malcolm
  • Kenny Wong
Sunday, 25th of June 2023

Ms M had recently moved home and needed help unpacking the many boxes of belongings and bringing some order to her new home. Kenny and Anne popped round to give her a hand.

The scale of the task became apparent as soon as the volunteers entered the flat. The hallway was full of boxes, there was barely space to move in the living room for all the boxes, bags and belongings there, and then Ms M introduced them to the 'jenga cupboard' where many more had been stacked and stored. Although professional packers had done the job, no system had been used, so without opening each box, the contents were a complete mystery and there was no way of knowing what room they were destined for.

Step One was to clear space in the living room, getting books into the bookcases, consolidating wardrobe items and removing empty boxes from the property. A lightshade was hung and a chair was reassembled to provide Ms M with a much needed comfortable place to rest.

The garden provided a valuable overflow area for empty boxes. The pair worked quickly under the supervision of Ms M who not only directed where things should go and confirmed what could be thrown out, but also provided refreshments to help with the thirsty work.

After a good hour of emptying, sorting and unearthing a few key belongings, there was an undeniably clear area of floor to prove that progress had been made, mainly thanks to Kenny's constant back and forth to the recycling bins.

The hallway was then cleared and a few more items were removed from the Cupboard of More Boxes, before the volunteers bid farewell to a very grateful Ms M.

Report written by anne malcolm

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