
Group run

The Lightbulb Moment

34 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help their local community in Lambeth.

  • Mark Herbert
  • Ivo
  • Hope
  • Leigh
  • Francesca Carnibella
  • Ian Drysdale
  • Tom Hoy
  • Janette Grindle
  • Ax Man
  • Lauren Couch
  • Jake Mant
  • Cath
  • Claire Bayley
  • Richard Platt
  • Tom
  • Jane Rogers
  • roisin wilson
  • Robyn Kelly
  • Gemma Instrall
  • Aisha Washington
  • Michael Flynn
  • Alice Tanaka
  • jenny shaw
  • Liv James
  • Scarlett Clark
  • Alex Terror Tylor
  • Zita Smith
  • Emma Pomfret
  • Ben
  • Katie Welford
  • Anna Dannreuther
  • James Kerry-Barnard
  • Ollie Waterhouse
  • Eliie D'Silva
Tuesday, 21st of January 2014
Led by Yianny
he / him

34 runners ran 7.5km in 48 mins to plant 1000 bulbs to improve Norwood bus stop.

This was the night that good gym Lambeth went city-wide. No less than BBC London had got wind of the excellent work of this blossoming running crew, accompanying them as they strode into the southern depths of Lambeth. Their mission: to help the Edible Bus stop transform a rather sad looking corner of West Norwood into a floral feast.

"shout out must go to K. Welford and E. Kerslake for a combative first performance"

After some preliminary lunge-ing we set out from Brixton at a fresh pace, led by Mark, Alex and James. It was ace to see so many new faces join the Lambeth team on this, just its second week. Clearly someone had mentioned we might be on TV. Too many were on debut to mention - but a special shout out must go to K. Welford and E. Kerslake for a combative first performance.

"the difference between a dud and a bloomer"

We arrived at our destination confronted by spades, trowels and over 1000 bulbs. After a thought provoking speech which outlined the difference between a dud bulb and a bloomer, we were informed we had just 15 mins to plant them all.

"unafraid of the elbow grease"

Compelled by the bright lights of the BBC cameramen, the team furiously endeavored to complete the task on time, working in small teams to dig and plant, unafraid of the elbow grease.

As Ivo's claxon sounded the job was done. The BBC, increasingly aware of the TV gold dust unfolding before their cameras, demanded even more from the runners - capturing several flyby shots. Could this piece get bumped up to the national news? Few in attendance were in any doubt.

"impending fame"

Buoyed by the thought of their impending fame, the runners returned to Brixton at an unprecedented pace. Impressions from week one were correct - this is undoubtedly a fast crew.

"Brixton sweating"

They arrived back in Brixton sweating but content in the thought of a hard evenings work, captured indelibly in the BBC archives. One for the grandkids, perhaps.

Tom Hoy

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Unknown runner
Unknown runner
Friday July 25th, 2014 08:22

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Unknown runner
Unknown runner
Friday July 25th, 2014 08:26


Alex Geronimo
Alex Geronimo
Sunday August 27th, 2017 07:19

Coaching is business critical. That's the theme of this year's UK Coaching Summit which starts tomorrow at the Hilton Deansgate in Manchester. Around 270 delegates from all over the UK are heading to Manchester to experience what promises to be the best UK Coaching Summit to date. Bagi anda yang ingin daftar Situs Poker Idnplay versi android terbaru 2017, dapat menghubungi customer service untuk mendapatkan user idnya. Preparations are well underway here and we're currently transforming the main room into the stage from which the keynotes will be delivered by Barry McNeill from Catapult Sports, Professor Deirdre Brennan from Ulster University, Profesor Nicki Latham from Health Education England and Professor Damian Hughes of Liquid Thinker.

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Helping at Landor Road & Summer Picnic - Tuesday's Group Run !!

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Yianny

Papa's Park

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