
Community mission

Cherry Picking and Packing

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • AJ
  • Hamad
  • Herman Yip
  • Tina Wong
Friday, 16th of February 2024
Led by Linda Sharman

James and Linda arrived at Frenford Food Bank first so did some prep and put away the last of the previous supermarket delivery.

AJ, Tina and Herbert soon arrived and got stuck in to the packing straight away. As the lists and cages have been sorted numerically it became apparent that AJ was working out of sequence, turns out she has always cherry picked the single person parcels as they are the lightest...busted 😂 well to be fair as she said herself she is only little.

We were soon done so moved on to loading up the drivers and sorting out another supermarket delivery.

Finally getting a quiet moment we had a chat with Task Owner Irfan about our complaints - I mean opportunities for improvements- in the ordering processes and packing forms. He seemed to take our suggestions on board well although he did then tell us it was time to go home 😂 At this point Hamad turned up, well we do say timings are loose and anytime you can give is appreciated 😁 a donation of groceries had just come in and we thought putting that away was a good opportunity for someone new to the foodbank to find their way round the shelves so we left him to it. Sorry Hamad, we were pretty shattered by then, we will show you the ropes properly next time.

Report written by Linda Sharman

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Task: Tackle Terrible Tank Trouble

Monday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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