
Community mission

Shelf Improver

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Mutual Aid FoodBank in Redbridge.

  • Linda Sharman
  • AJ
Thursday, 15th of February 2024
Led by Linda Sharman

AJ and Linda made it in to Frenford Food Bank by bus and arrived in cheerful mood despite the delays and smelly passengers.

There was an Asda delivery to unpack so Linda set about sorting the crates into one type of product and AJ ensured the contents made it onto the shelf in an organised and tidy manner. As often happens just as we were finishing that one another supermarket delivery came in so we made a start on that too.

There was a little break time for tea and buns but we kept getting distracted leading AJ to break into her Dido impression (🎼🎵My tea’s gone cold, I’m wondering why🎸🥁) after which we put together a package for someone in need to collect.

Then we took the crates of surplus stock out to the storage area where they were equally organised and tidy manner. After this it was time for AJ to leave, sterling job AJ 🎼🎵And Iyeeeee want to thank you 🎵🥁🎸….see what I did there? 😂

Report written by Linda Sharman

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Task: Tackle Terrible Tank Trouble

Monday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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